Friday, 7 June 2013

Black Forest Inn!

What can I say? I’m getting a little sick. The cold weather and my low immune system do not mix well! However, that is no matter! I will pack more clothes and waterproof material for my next trip next week!

I was only able to do the bike ride 3 times this week. I was very sad. My work week is from Tuesday to Saturday, so unlike all the other participants, I will be a day behind. I was quite happy when I found a shorter distance to work this week! As in my previous post, I have been quite nervous to travel along King Street.

Yesterday the rain killed me! It was very cold however I powered through that!

My totals!
I biked 81 km this week and that took me 4 hours in total to bike!
I am enjoying this very much – and the more that my fear of the cars goes away the easier I find it!

How is your biking to work going?

The bike! I am in LOVE with this bike! Everything about it is unreal and SO amazing! I could not be happier for a better bike! Thanks Ziggies!!

All the best!

Steph M – Black Forest Inn


If you’re reading this blog, you could win a free bike by completing the BikeKitchener cycling survey. Fill it out online at #BikeKitchener

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